ed2kmet by Le Chat - Current version is 1.39 - July 12th 2005
There are some tools out there to fix corruptions, generate hashes, etc. But I wanted to create my own tool
with the following objectives:
- Useful. Must fix all common issues with the Donkey
- Versatile. Must be able to do all useful donkey-related tasks in a single binary
- Command-line tool to allow batches
- Thoroughly tested. 100% code coverage
- Compatible with Overnet
So, what can it do?
Well, it can do anything I could think of. Here's an overview.
Recovering from corruption
- It can scan a download and tell if it's corrupted
- It can fix misbehaving partial downloads ("Looking forever" bug, "Never complete" bug)
- It can regenerate missing *.part.met files
- It can fix existing *.part.met files
Manage entries in *.part.met files and known.met files
- It can list entries in your known.met file
- It won't crash if your known.met file is damaged or truncated
- It can remove duplicates, extract entries, merge entries, sort your known.met file(s)
- It can add *.part.met information to your known.met file
- It can generate URL from selected entries in known.met
- It can generate HTML, substitule spaces for dots/underscores/%%20/etc.
- It can fix a damaged known.met file
Hashes files, generates lists.
- It can hash a file (throughly tested in boundary conditions)
- It can generate lists, etc.
Extract ed2k URLs and schedule downloads
- It recognizes ed2k URLs and convert them to downloads
Where to get it?
Typically, install ed2kmet.exe (and cygwin1.dll, if your don't have it) in your c:\winnt or c:\windows directory.
Alternatively, put it in a directory that is listed in your %PATH% environment variable.
Examples to recover corruption
I downloaded a file but it says it's "Corrupted". What do I do ?
- Stop eDonkey2000 (or Overnet)
- Open a command window in your temp dir and type "ed2kmet -f file" where "file" is the corrupted download
- ed2kmet will tell you if the file is valid. If not, it will regenerate a n.part.met . Simply rename
your file to n.part and restart the Donkey
My download is 500M. Donkey says it has already transferred 520M and the download is not yet complete.
- Stop the donkey
- run "ed2kmet -f *.part" in your tempdir or simply "ed2kmet -fa". Tip: add option -v or -vv to spy on what ed2kmet does
- Restart the donkey
I lost all my *.part.met after a crash/reboot. Help!
- Stop the donkey
- run "ed2kmet -fa".
- Restart the donkey
My download is corrupted/I lost my *.part.met files/etc.
I'm running Overnet. ed2kmet says it can't find valid hashes.
- Don't panic. Locate the n.part partial download
- Start Overnet. Search for your file and restart a new download
- Wait for at least 10-20K to be downloaded and stop Overnet
- Locate the m.part.met that resulted for the new download
- Run "ed2kmet -l -k m.part.met" and make sure it says the hashes are valid
- Run "ed2kmet -m m.part.met" then "ed2kmet -f n.part", or
Run "ed2kmet -k m.part.met -f n.part".
- Delete m.part.met and m.part
Other examples to follow.